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Project Application Recommendations

(1)Suggestions for students participation

  • Read the information and help provided in this document in detail, and the organizing committee will try our best to write the contents considered in this help document.
  • Confirm your schedule to ensure that you can participate in the project at least 30 hours a week.
  • It is vital to devote the open source project with personal initiative. We hope that students can find solutions by themselves before contacting us. At least read the student guide, key issues as well as timeline, etc.
  • Before participating in open source projects, please sort out your professional skills, interested technologies, interested programming languages, etc., which are conducive to the selection of appropriate projects.
  • Carefully check the community's documents, not only the list of projects provided by the community, but also be familiar with the community's participation methods, communication channels, community software design documents and community open source repository, etc.
  • Focusing on 1-2 communities of interest, applying for multiple communities will reduce the probability of being selected.
  • Carefully prepare the project application. No matter which school or major you come from, the quality of the project application is the main factor to be selected.
  • Read the requirements of the application carefully to ensure that the application materials submitted meet the requirements of the organizing committee, including project application, identity certificate, etc.
  • The order of application will not affect whether it is selected or not. The organizing committee will sort out the application materials together after the deadline and transfer them to the corresponding community for review.
  • However, please do not submit on the last day to avoid not being familiar with the application process, such as lack of application materials, network and other problems, resulting in unable to complete the application within the specified time.
  • Students should abide by the relevant norms of the corresponding community to contribute to the development.

(2)Purpose of communicating with mentors

Communication with mentor is a vital link, in which students can obtain the following benefits:

  • Answer questions and embrace a comprehensive understanding of open source projects;
  • Refine the plan so that students can communicate their solutions with their mentors, and learn from them to improve feasibility;
  • Demonstrating good communication skills will also help to improve students' chances of being selected.

(3)Criteria for the selected students

  • The selected students by community chosen are based on the project application (including project plan, project implementation plan, etc.) submitted by students and their resumes. Each project can only be undertaken by one student.
  • It is strongly recommended that students should actively communicate with the community mentor about the project details and plans before applying. The project application is the focus of the selection criteria.

(4)How to Write Project Application

The project application in general consists of two parts, detailed technical proposal and detailed time plan. In addition, students can describe the reasons for choosing the project, past development experiences related to the project technology, courses, etc. in the project application and express their willingness to participate in the project and contribute to the community.

1. Technical Solutions

i. In principle, the more detailed the technical program shows, the better understanding and recognition for the community will have;

ii. In the technical program, students should show their understanding of the target open source project from the following points:

  • Disassemble the target open source project according to your own understanding and clearly describe the functions of each module;
  • Based on project dismantling, analyze the requirements raised in the project description;
  • Explicitly describe which files in which modules your schema will be modified;
  • Or, which modules will be added to your solution and how they communicate with existing modules;

iii. It is best to find a basis for your own project and list it as a reference in the project application, including, but not limited to:

  • Successful experience in other projects;
  • Thesis and other theoretical basis provided.

2. Time Planning

  • The granularity of the proposed time plan is not more than one week;
  • To improve the readability of the plan, you can first divide the time into several large phases (for example, four weeks as a phase) and summarize the core tasks of each phase.
  • In each stage, describe the tasks you plan to accomplish in a week in weeks.

3. Write something on your resume

i. Resumes are designed to enable the community to have a clear understanding of each applicant's technical capabilities;

ii. User IDs of open source platforms such as Github/Gitee/Gitlab;

iii. Students should never include irrelevant information in their resumes. Each information should be as relevant as possible to the project they are applying for, including, but not limited to:

  • Past contribution on this open source community;
  • Contributed to similar open source projects or communities;
  • Experience with open source contributions, although not participating in related community contributions;
  • Not involved in open source, but have experience in developing similar functional software;
  • If you have no experience at all, you should emphasize your mastery of using the technology stack in the community and demonstrate your learning ability.