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Community Guide

Please read and understand this participation guide carefully. If you have any questions, please email the organizing committee at

1. What is Open Source Promotion Plan

(1)OSPP Introduction

(2)Activity Process

No. Date Issue Remarks
1 03/11-03/31 Community Registration and Review Sign up and fill in community information in the OSPP system. Approved communities will be posted on the official website. Deadline: 03/31 18:00 UTC+8
2 04/01 Community List Announced
3 04/01-04/03 Committee Confirms the Supported Project Quantity and Informs Community Refer to the participation processes.
4 04/04-04/27 Project Submission Refer to the participation processes. Deadline: 04/27 18:00 UTC+8
5 04/04-04/29 Committee Review Approved projects will be posted on the official website. Deadline for mentor identity verification: 04/28 24:00 UTC+8
6 04/29 Project Announced
7 04/30-06/04 Student Registration, Communication, and Project Application Submission Deadline for student registration: 06/03 15:00 UTC+8. Deadline for project application: 06/04 18:00 UTC+8.
8 06/05-06/25 Project Application Review 06/05-06/11 Mentor Review. 06/12-06/18 Community Review and submit community cooperation agreement. 06/19-06/25 Committee Review and sign a community cooperation agreement. *The quality of the project application is the main criterion for evaluating whether the student's application is approved.
9 06/26 Accepted Student Projects Announced Students can check the application results on the official website and OSPP system.
10 06/26-06/30 Community Bonding The accepted students can further communicate with the community and mentor about the project and warm up for project development.
11 07/01-09/30 Coding and Development Deadline for project report and PR/MR links submission:09/30 24:00 UTC+8
12 10/01-10/31 Evaluations – Mentor Final Term Review In the meantime, student developers can still refine their PR/MR until they are merged.
13 11/01-11/08 Evaluations – Committee Final Term Review
14 11/09 Results Announced Students can view the final results on the official website and management system and then fill in the bank information in the management system.
15 November Outstanding Students Selection Recommended by mentors and communities.

2. Which communities can participate?

3. What can participating communities gain?

Communities can enhance their exposure and expand brand awareness through participation in the OSPP program. At the same time, they can attract excellent college developers to join the community, bringing new energy to the community and promoting the ecological construction and maintenance of open source communities.

4. Participation Processes

*All processes will be operated in the system, with the default time zone set to Beijing Time (UTC+8).

(1)Community Registration

  • The community liaison can register a community account, log in to the OSPP system through the community login portal on the official website, and fill in the community profile. Community registration is successful once the committee approves the community profile.
  • If the community liaison is also a mentor, please register with a different email address.
  • Existing community accounts should be used to log in, and the community profile should be updated.
  • The community liaison will serve as the communication bridge between the committee and the community, responsible for coordinating and promoting related matters.
  • The community information provided by the community liaison must be valid to avoid registration failure due to inaccurate information.

(2)Designating Project Mentors

  • Each project in the community needs to have a designated mentor, who should generally be a developer related to the project (Maintainer, Committer, Contributor). Each mentor can only guide one project.
  • When submitting a project in the system, the community must select a project mentor. If mentor information is not available in the system, new mentor account information must be added.
  • Project mentors should prepare specific project details and submit them through the community account by the community liaison.
  • Mentors cannot participate in this program as both mentors and students. If this is discovered during the program, the committee will cancel their eligibility for participation, mentor bonus, and student bonus.

(3)Project Submission

From April 4th to April 27th, the community liaison can fill in project information and submit projects within the system. Projects that are verified by mentors and approved by the committee will be published on the official website. Before the submission deadline, the community can modify project descriptions that were not approved by the committee and resubmit them.

A. Projects Quantity

  • Before the project publish phase (April 4, UTC+8), the committee will determine the number of projects that the committee can support (represented by X) based on community registrations and previous participation, and set it within the system.
  • During the project publish phase, the community can submit any number of projects based on their needs in the system. Approved projects will be gradually posted on the official website. Communities should plan additional project resources beyond the committee-supported quantity. It is not advisable to submit too many projects without a corresponding budget. If additional projects are selected but the community lacks budget support, the projects and selected students will be canceled. This situation should be avoided.
  • During the community review phase (see section 5. Community Review), the community should internally discuss and determine the approved projects. If the number of projects approved by the community is less than or equal to X, all projects will be committee-supported. If the approved projects exceed X, the community must indicate which projects are committee-supported and community-supported in the system. The community should sign a community cooperation agreement with the committee for community-supported projects. Details can be found in section 6. Community-Supported Projects.

B. Project Types

  • OSPP encourages and prioritizes development projects, focusing on fundamental software projects such as operating systems, compilers, and key projects related to the RISC-V ecosystem.
  • In principle, the number of documentation and front-end projects should not exceed 5% of the total number of projects.
  • Projects that have been open source and publicly operational for over six months are recommended to participate.

C. Project Difficulty

i. OSPP projects are categorized into basic difficulty and advanced difficulty. Project difficulty should be set based on factors such as project requirements, project scale, technical difficulty, estimated project development workload, and resource limitations.

ii. It is recommended that the proportion of basic difficulty and advanced difficulty projects within the community be 3:7.

iii. Examples for project difficulty reference.

iv. The key criterion for project review is that student-contributed code must be merged into the community project repository in the form of PR/MR, as indicated in the project description. v. There is a one-month period for project PR/MR merging after project development ends.

D. Project Bonus

  • Advanced Difficulty: Students receive a pre-tax reward of 12,000 RMB.
  • Basic Difficulty: Students receive a pre-tax reward of 8,000 RMB.
  • Project Bonus Source: The bonuses for committee-supported projects are provided by the committee, while the bonuses for community-supported projects are provided by the community.

(4)Mentor Identity Verification

  • When adding mentor information in the system under the community account, the system will send an invitation email to the project mentor. The mentor can click the link in the invitation email to log in to the system for identity verification.
  • After the community liaison submits the project information, mentors need to log in to the mentor system, fill out personal information, and complete mentor identity verification. The deadline for verification is April 28 at 24:00 UTC+8. Projects without completed mentor identity verification cannot be published on the official website.

(5)Community Review

  • During the project application review phase, only students whose rankings match with the mentor's rankings, and approved by both community and committee reviews, will be considered selected students for the project.
  • Community accounts can view the applications and the review status of each project in the system.
  • The quality of the project application is the main criterion for determining student approval.
  • Community review will take place after the mentor review. Before community review, thorough communication with mentors and students is essential to understand the project application and review status. Communities should organize internal discussions and select the best project applications approved by mentors in the community for final community review submission in the system. The number of projects approved by the community should not exceed the quantity X of supported projects as informed by the committee.
  • If a community wishes to increase the number of project applications approved, a community cooperation agreement should be signed with the committee to add them through community support (see the section on 6. Community-Supported Projects below).
  • The community review process is conducted within the community account.
  • Communities and mentors are not allowed to pre-select students, promise selection results privately, or require students to start development work prematurely.

(6)Community-Supported Projects

  • If the number of projects approved by the community exceeds the committee-supported project quantity X, the community must sign a community cooperation agreement with the committee and increase them as community-supported projects. The bonus and tax of community-supported projects will be provided by the community.
  • Before the announcement of selected results in the projects, the community should sign the Community Cooperation Agreement with the committee, detailing the quantity, names, difficulty, and bonus amounts of the community-supported projects. The agreement should be downloaded and uploaded to the system.
  • The community provides the designated project's bonus funds, which align with the program rules. These funds will be used entirely to pay the completion bonus and taxes for the designated project. If a supported project is not completed, the community is not obligated to provide the support funds for that project. The actual support amount by the community will be based on the "Community Completion Project List" issued by the committee after the final review result announcement.
  • Community-supported projects will be marked with a special symbol in the community and project lists.
  • Communities should plan additional project resources for the community-supported quantity. It is not advisable to submit too many projects without the corresponding budget. If additional projects are selected but lack budget support from the community, the project and selected students will be canceled. This situation should be avoided.

(7)Outstanding Student Selection

Community liaison gathers a list of outstanding students nominated within the community along with reasons for mentor recommendations. After internal discussions, the final recommended list for the community is determined and submitted in the system.

Each community can recommend a maximum of 3 candidates for the following awards: Best Quality Award, Outstanding Contribution Award, Most Improved Award, and Most Promising Award. Community liaison should collect mentor nomination reasons, discuss them internally within the community, finalize the recommended list, and submit it in the system.

  • Best Quality Award: Focuses on project completion quality, code readability, documentation completeness, and project sustainability.
  • Outstanding Contribution Award: Emphasizes the student's contribution to the community and the importance of completing projects for the community.
  • Most Improved Award: Highlights the student's progress and rapid learning ability during the program.
  • Most Promising Award: Focuses on the student's potential and willingness to contribute to open source projects in the future.

5. Community Responsibilities

  • The community should launch an OSPP page on the community's official website (or public repository for the project) using HTML, Wiki, or other formats. The page should include all project lists, project details, and relevant reference materials.
  • Communities are encouraged to create a community introduction video and submit it to the committee's email at The committee will publish the video on the official website, WeChat public account, Bilibili, and other platforms. The video should ideally be under 20 minutes, covering community background, development directions, achievements showcase, plans, etc. Communities can use the OSPP Presentation template to create the presentation file. Additionally, provide a video title within 17 characters and a video cover image sized at 1920x1080 pixels.
  • Before the community review, the community should engage in thorough communication with mentors and students to understand the project applications and mentor evaluations, and then jointly determine the students and projects that pass the review and complete the community review before the deadline.
  • If the community intends to support projects, they should sign a Community Cooperation Agreement with the committee before the accepted students are announced.
  • During the bonding period, the community should organize necessary communication between mentors and students.
  • The community should provide appropriate assistance during the project development period, coordinating to resolve any issues encountered by students and mentors during the development process.
  • If the community needs to change account information, modify community introductions, project descriptions, or change mentors, please send an application email to and submit an Information Modification Application Form. The committee does not recommend modifying information already published on the official website, so please carefully verify before publishing.
  • Please refer to the mentor guide for mentor responsibilities, including but not limited to:
  • Providing project information according to the project template.
  • Communicating with potential applicants, reviewing the project application, and sorting student applications.
  • Guiding students in the development process.
  • Evaluating students' development results.
  • Recommending outstanding students.

For more details, please refer to the Mentor Guide.

6. OSPP Campus Tour

Welcome to voluntarily join the OSPP Campus Tour. This year, the OSPP Campus Tour is expected to hold 15 events.

The following open knowledge agreement projects are accepted in this program:

8. Organizer's Statement

  • The organizer has no intellectual property claim for the development achievements of the students in this program;
  • The community and students determine relevant intellectual property achievements according to the guidelines for participating in community development (for instance, signing CLA with student developers).
  • Privacy
  • Organizers will process the personal information provided during registration and in any subsequent communications to administer the Program (including verifying eligibility to participate in the Program, running the Program, and sending notifications regarding the Program).
  • Organizers will also use aggregated, non-personally identifiable information for statistical purposes.
  • The display name that Participants create during registration will be displayed publicly on the Program Website and any archives of the Program Website, and will be shared with Organizations to communicate with the Participants to answer their questions and review Student proposals and work.
  • Mentor's Project Submissions and contact information (email address and display name) will be shared with the Organizations (including Members) to administer the Program.
  • Organizers may publicize your participation in the Program and the results of the Program, including announcements of accepted Project Proposals, the text of accepted Project Proposals, and the resulting code from your work on the Project. Organizers may display your information, including your display name, Project abstract, and Final Project Materials, on Organizers-run websites, including ISCAS Official Website, Intelligent Software Research Center Official Website, openEuler Community Official Website and the Program Website.
  • Participants can access, update, remove and restrict the processing of their personal information in their Program profile during the Program Period. If you would like to edit such information after the Program has concluded, object to the processing of the information, or export it to another service, you may write to Organizers (Official Website, E-mail, WeChat Official Accounts).