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Mentor Guide

  • Mentors cannot participate in this program as both mentors and students. If this is discovered during the program, the committee will cancel their eligibility for participation, mentor bonus, and student bonus.
  • After the community liaison submits project information, mentors need to log in to the mentor system, fill in personal information, and complete mentor identity verification. Projects that have not completed mentor identity verification cannot be published on the official website.
  • During the program, if mentors need to change account information or replace mentors, please have the community liaison apply to the committee.
  • After the student's project is completed, the mentor needs to download, sign, and upload the signed electronic scan of the Mentor Participation Agreement and fill in the bank card information in the OSPP system.

1. Participation Processes

No. Date Issue Remarks
1 03/11-03/31 Community Registration and Review Sign up and fill in community information in the OSPP system. Approved communities will be posted on the official website. Deadline: 03/31 18:00 UTC+8
2 04/01 Community List Announced
3 04/01-04/03 Committee Confirms the Supported Project Quantity and Informs Community Refer to the participation processes.
4 04/04-04/27 Project Submission Refer to the participation processes. Deadline: 04/27 18:00 UTC+8
5 04/04-04/29 Committee Review Approved projects will be posted on the official website. Deadline for mentor identity verification: 04/28 24:00 UTC+8
6 04/29 Project Announced
7 04/30-06/04 Student Registration, Communication, and Project Application Submission Deadline for student registration: 06/03 15:00 UTC+8. Deadline for project application: 06/04 18:00 UTC+8.
8 06/05-06/25 Project Application Review 06/05-06/11 Mentor Review. 06/12-06/18 Community Review and submit community cooperation agreement. 06/19-06/25 Committee Review and sign a community cooperation agreement. *The quality of the project application is the main criterion for evaluating whether the student's application is approved.
9 06/26 Accepted Student Projects Announced Students can check the application results on the official website and OSPP system.
10 06/26-06/30 Community Bonding The accepted students can further communicate with the community and mentor about the project and warm up for project development.
11 07/01-09/30 Coding and Development Deadline for project report and PR/MR links submission:09/30 24:00 UTC+8
12 10/01-10/31 Evaluations – Mentor Final Term Review In the meantime, student developers can still refine their PR/MR until they are merged.
13 11/01-11/08 Evaluations – Committee Final Term Review
14 11/09 Results Announced Students can view the final results on the official website and management system and then fill in the bank information in the management system.
15 November Outstanding Students Selection Recommended by mentors and communities.

2. How to Become a Mentor

  • Project mentors are recommended by the community. When the community liaison adds mentor information to the system, the system will send an invitation email to the mentor. The mentor can click the link in the email to log in to the system for identity verification.
  • Mentors who already have an account can use their original account to log in and complete identity verification.
  • Each mentor can only guide one project.
  • After the community liaison submits project information, mentors need to log in to the mentor system, fill in personal information, and complete mentor identity verification. The deadline for verification is April 28th, 24:00 UTC+8. Projects that have not completed mentor identity verification will not be published on the official website.
  • Mentors cannot participate in this program as both mentors and students. If this is discovered during the program, the committee will cancel their eligibility for participation, mentor bonus, and student bonus.

3. Mentor Participation Process

*All processes will be operated in the system, with the default time zone set to Beijing Time (UTC+8).

(1)Prepare Project Details

Mentors should prepare specific project details and have the community liaison submit them through the community account. The details include project name, project description, project notes, project difficulty, technical field, programming language, project output requirements, project technical requirements, and project repository, etc. The project details should be clear, requirements explicit, and difficulty-appropriate to help students better understand the project. OSPP encourages and prioritizes development projects, focusing on fundamental software projects such as operating systems, compilers, and key projects related to the RISC-V ecosystem.

  • Project Name: The project name should clearly and intuitively reflect the project's technology and objectives.
  • Project Description: Background of the project, existing work, areas for improvement, final project goals, etc.
  • Project Notes: Relevant reference materials for the project, such as books, papers, blogs, links to related projects or issues.
  • Project Difficulty: Set based on project requirements, scale, technical difficulty, estimated workload, resource constraints, etc.
  • Project Output Requirements: Clearly define what students need to do and the expected outcomes.
  • Project Technical Requirements: Requirements can include programming languages, technology stacks, development experience, etc.
  • Project Completion Repository: Use an existing project repository address in the community, not create a new empty repository.

(2)Mentor Identity Verification

  • Project mentors are recommended by the community. When the community liaison adds mentor information to the system, an invitation email will be sent to the mentor. The mentor can click the link in the email to log into the system for identity verification.
  • After the community liaison submits project information, mentors need to log into the mentor system, fill in personal information, and complete mentor identity verification. The deadline for verification is April 28th, 24:00 UTC+8. Projects that have not completed mentor identity verification cannot be published on the official website.
  • Mentors who already have an account can use their original account to log in and complete identity verification.

(3)Communication with Students

  • During the student application phase, mentors should communicate with potential students, answer their questions, provide guidance, share relevant technical materials, and assist students in developing project plans.
  • Mentors should consider the students' expertise and age, communicate in a friendly and patient manner, encourage independent work, and active engagement from the students.
  • Mentors are not allowed to pre-select students, promise selection results privately, or require students to start development work prematurely. Any development or PR/MR links submitted before the announcement will not be considered for project completion review.

(4)Mentor Review

  • During the mentor review phase, mentors should prioritize the selection order of all project applications. Before the mentor review deadline on June 11th, mentors can readjust the selection priority order within the system.
  • Projects that successfully match in mentor and student rankings will proceed to the community review stage.
  • The quality of the project application is the main criterion for evaluating whether the student's application is approved. Project applications will be publicly displayed on the official website along with the list.

(5)Bonding and Development

  • During the bonding phase, mentors should guide students in using communication tools (email, IRC, mailing lists, etc.), platforms, and other tools, helping them adhere to community norms and become part of the community.
  • During the development phase, mentors should maintain regular communication with students, monitor their progress, ensure they adhere to the project schedule, and recommend at least one to two communications per week.
  • Mentors should not guide students through code, debug projects for them, or submit PR/MR on their behalf.
  • There is no unified mid-term review in the program. Communities and mentors can conduct periodic evaluations of student progress. If discrepancies are found between actual student progress and expectations during development, mentors have the authority to request project termination from the committee. If a student is unable to continue the project due to some circumstances, they must apply for project termination to the mentor, community, and committee.
  • Remind students to submit PR/MR by September 30th, and upload the PR/MR links and project report in the system.

(6)Mentor Final Term Review

  • October 1st to October 31st is the mentor final-term review phase, which is also the stage for students to merge their PR/MR. Mentors should ensure that student contributions are accepted by the community.
  • Before October 31st, mentors are required to review student project outcomes in the system according to the project review criteria and fill in mentor comments according to the review result template. The mentor's comments will be publicly displayed on the official website.

Project Review Criteria

Mentors should conduct mentor reviews based on the following aspects, fill in mentor comments according to the review result template, and submit them in the system. The comments will be publicly displayed on the official website:

  • The project needs to be submitted to the open-source community repository in the form of PR/MR and merged.
  • All PR/MR must be completed by the student within the specified time. The git email used by the student for submissions in the community repository must match the email used during registration.
  • Whether the project development progress and outcomes meet the planned proposal and objectives outlined in the project application.
  • Evaluate whether the project output meets the goals and requirements of the project.
  • List the contributions made to the community.
  • Evaluate the running status of project outputs.
  • Evaluate the completeness of the project-related documents.
  • For R & D projects, whether the report provides the corresponding test verification results.
  • Other aspects that the community and mentor believe need to be evaluated.

(7)Result Announcement

  • The committee will organize expert reviews of project outputs, consider mentor comments, and provide final review conclusions (pass or fail).
  • The results and mentor comments will be publicly announced on the official website.
  • After successful project completion, mentors can download, sign manually, upload a scanned copy of the signed mentor participation agreement electronically in the system, and provide bank account information for payment.

(8)Annual Outstanding Student Selection

  • Mentors should recommend candidates for the OSPP annual Outstanding Student award based on the participation of completed students and provide reasons for the recommendations. The committee will conduct a review based on the community recommendation list and confirm the final list of outstanding students.

Important Notes

1. Can mentors pre-select students or allow students to start development early?

The project selection results are finalized only after student rankings and mentor rankings are matched and approved by the community and organizing committee. Until the organizing committee announces the selected students, the project selection remains uncertain. Therefore, mentors are not allowed to pre-select students, make private commitments to students regarding selection outcomes, or require students to start development work early. Any development or PR/MR links submitted before the announcement will not meet the project completion review time requirements and will not be recognized.

2. Can mentors assist students in development?

Mentors are not allowed to guide students in development through code, help debug projects, or submit PR/MR on behalf of students.

4. Mentor Bonus

(1)How much is the mentor bonus?

The mentor bonus is RMB 3000 before tax.

(2)When will the mentor bonus be issued?

All mentor bonuses will be issued after their students pass the project review. If the student fails the review, the bonus will not be issued.

(3)How to pay the mentor bonus?

i. Currently, the organizing committee can only make foreign currency payments through the international fund settlement system (SWIFT system). Bonuses will be settled in USD by converting Chinese Yuan to USD based on the real-time exchange rate on the day of the transfer. If the personal bank account provided by a foreign mentor for receiving the completion bonus is disabled by the SWIFT system, they will not be able to receive the completion bonus.

ii. According to tax bureau regulations, foreign mentors receiving bonuses must provide a scanned copy of their passport.

ii. The mentor bonus shall be settled in US dollars, subject to the real-time exchange rate at the time of bonus payment.

iii. Mentor bonuses will be disbursed via bank transfer, and the bank account must be in the mentor's name. Mentors are required to provide the following bank account information in the system for transfers and review by Chinese tax authorities:

  • Payee's Full Name
  • Gender
  • ID Card Number
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Telephone Number
  • Payee's Address
  • Payee's Bank Name and Address
  • Payee's Bank Account
  • Swift code
  • Scan copy of Passport

*Note: The above information is required according to the current international settlement policy. The committee will take reasonable measures to protect private data, personal identity information, and other sensitive information.

iv. According to tax regulations regarding income earned by foreigners in China, the organizing committee will withhold and pay personal income tax when distributing bonuses. The calculation method is as follows (in RMB):

  • 3000 RMB or below, 3% tax rate (80% * 3%)

*Note: If the Payee's account name or country is on the restricted list of FATF, the United Nations, the Ministry of Public Security, or other external agencies, the Payee will be responsible for the consequences of not being able to receive money.